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Posture Structure Function


Experts in providing relief from...

*Neck pain

*Back pain​



*Nerve pain

*Slipped discs

*Disc Herniation/bulge

*Joint problems ie; Shoulders, Hip, Wrist/Elbow, Knee, Ankle/Foot

Baldivis Chiropractors, Dr Beau Woods and Dr Kristian Iversen, strives to help you reach your optimal health potential using specific chiropractic methods. Serving the surrounding communities of Rockingham, Shoalwater, Port Kennedy, Warnbro, Wellard,Waikiki, Kwinana and much further afield. Utilising cutting-edge methodology specifically Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC), they will work with you to reach your health goals, whatever they may be. We accept Insurance Commission (ICWA), Workers Comp and DVA. Private Health Insurance rebates apply if chiropractic is covered under your policy

(08) 94687266

© 2015 ABC WA

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